Sans Forgetica是学术机构RMIT UNIVERSITY推出的经过科学设计、能帮助你记忆学习笔记的字体。
Sans Forgetica is a downloadable font that is scientifically designed to help you remember your study notes.
Sans Forgetica is a font designed using the principles of cognitive psychology to help you to better remember your study notes.
The font works using principles of psychology, fused
with type design, to create a condition known as
‘desirable difficulty’. A desirable difficulty is an obstruction
to a learning process that requires a considerable but
desirable amount of effort, therefore improving (in Sans
Forgetica’s case) retention and recall of information. -
Unlike more conventional fonts, Sans Forgetica’s visual
distinctiveness causes readers to dwell longer on
each word, giving the brain more time to engage in
deeper cognitive processing, thus enhancing retention
of that information.
- 基于认知心理学设计的字体;
- 权威背书。RMIT University一众多学科团队联合设计;
- 难读是刻意为之。难读但不得不读可以强迫自己更加专注地读,从而增强记忆效果。如果一条信息太容易和清楚地阅读,它就不会在我们大脑中留下有效认知和回忆,相反,难读让我们不得不专注在文字上,增强认知过程的专注程度。