从PowerToys 的占用越来越离谱了继续讨论:
因为 PowerToys 离谱的体积,卸载之,问题来了:里面的有些小工具还是挺好用的,就有了寻找相似产品的需求……有够折腾
PowerToys 有哪些组件见下:
- 高级粘贴
- 总在最前面
- PowerToys Awake
- Caffeine
- Don't Sleep 9.69 Prevent Shutdown, Stand By, Turn Off, Restart
- Prevent Computer Sleep for PC | Prevents your computer from going to sleep
- Prevent Disk Sleep for PC | Keeps your drives alive
- NoSleep - 就是不休眠 - 小众软件
- GitHub - arkane-systems/mousejiggler: Mouse Jiggler is a very simple piece of software whose sole function is to "fake" mouse input to Windows, and jiggle the mouse pointer back and forth.
- https://wincaffeine.jonaskohl.de/
- Please Stand By...
- https://www.4dots-software.com/mouse-mover/
- LeoMoon SessionGuard - Downloads • LeoMoon Studios
- https://stellawake.com/
- GitHub - krystianhub/StayAwake: StayAwake is a simple program for Windows & MacOS to keep your system awake without affecting your workflow.
- Keep Display On
- 颜色选取器
- Just Color Picker 6.0 - best free colour tool for Windows and macOS
(scoop bucket add extras
、scoop install jcpicker
) - Color Picker Pro - Pick pixel colors anywhere on the screen in more than 25 formats - BinaryMark
- Download Photoshop Color Wheel / Photoshop CC CS6 CS5 CS3 CS4 Panel plugin by Anastasiy for picking colors / MagicPicker / The right tools for digital painters / Famous Photoshop Color Picker Design plugin / Download Colorpicker, Color Schemes, Magic Picker for Graphic Designers, Concept Artists, Matte Painters, Comic Artists, VFX
- https://zhs.moo0.com/software/ColorPicker/
- https://www.pazera-software.com/products/free-color-picker/
- https://www.colorschemer.com/
- ColorPro, the Ultimate HTML Color Picker for Professionals
- Color Picker Download for Windows
- GetPixelColor 3.41 The pixel query function for all Windows OS
- ColorMania : Advanced Colorpicker
- Color Picker Software : ACA Color Picker, Free download - ACASystems
- Color Seizer - Pick colors from the screen
- Pixel Ruler, Eyedropper, and Color Picker: Webmaster's Toolkit Overview « SpiceBrains
- http://instant-eyedropper.com/
- http://www.magnonic.com/colorpicker.shtml
- GitHub - martinchrzan/ColorPicker: Windows system-wide color picker
- https://zh.snipaste.com
- 2XDSOFT - Screen Color Picker
- Colora - Color Picker download | SourceForge.net
- Color Pickin'
- ColorBug
- GitHub - ModuleArt/quick-color-picker: Lightweight desktop color picker and color editor utility for Windows.
- GitHub - Leo-Corporation/ColorPicker: ColorPicker Max is an app that enables you to pick, create and convert colors, preview text colors, generate color palettes and gradients, and more.
- GitHub - x5qubits/jColorPicker: A free multi-purpose and open source Color Picker Software.
- Colorpicker - Complete desktop color app
- GitHub - nagilum/dcm: Digital Color Meter for Windows
- Pixie / Nattyware
- http://www.youngsmarts.com/
- GetColor! - Free Color Picker for Windows
- http://colorcop.net/
- Pipette
- Plastiliq PixelPicker v1.2.7 Download - Magnify and pick any color - SecuredYou
- https://www.colourtohtml.matthewhipkin.co.uk/
- ColorPick - Vidsbee!
- ColorPal by ItMeArcadia
- EclipsePalette - Green Eclipse
- ColorPicker Gadget | wan24.de
- ColorManager 3 | wan24.de
- ColorCatcher
- HTML Colors - Color picker that displays the hexadecimal, decimal and RGB values, with easy access through taskbar icon or hotkey - AMPsoft
- GitHub - nielssp/colorgrab: A cross-platform color picker
- https://kanasolution.com/products/html-color-picker/
- https://github.com/motorlatitude/Drop
- https://www.cosmin.com/colordetector/
- http://www.towofu.net/soft/e-readablecolorgen.htm
- https://www.den4b.com/products/colors
- http://www.4dots-software.com/color-picker/
- https://colorselector.sourceforge.net/
- https://pickard.sourceforge.net/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/pgrcolorpicker/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/jcolorpicker/
- https://furnacecreek.org/simplecolor/
- https://www.brightertools.com/colour-picker
- http://www.miniwriters.com/amersoft/colorsniffer.html
- GitHub - nielssp/colorgrab: A cross-platform color picker
- https://tech.mountwhite.net/en/freeware/color-picker/
- https://github.com/jimbojim1997/colourPicker
- https://github.com/MarcusWichelmann/ColorPicker
- https://github.com/massaiTHEdog1/ColorPicker
- https://www.design-lib.com/the_pixel-pick.php
- https://www.hikarun.com/e/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/getthecolor/
- http://www.dr-hoiby.com/CatchColor/index.php
- https://nur.gratis/software/colorgrabber-2-0-tool-zum-aufnehmen-picken-von-farben-von-der-desktop-oberflaeche-125.htm
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/cpicksniff2/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/accuratecolorpicker/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/apixcolor/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/ak-color-picker/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/dotnetcolorpicker/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/colorfinder/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/colorsfinder/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/hypercolorpicker/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/easy-color-picker/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/getcolorsf/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/colourz/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/colorfoff/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/color-hound/
- https://github.com/jimbojim1997/colourPicker
- Just Color Picker 6.0 - best free colour tool for Windows and macOS
- 找不到命令
- 裁剪和锁定
- 环境变量
- FancyZones
- 文件资源管理器加载项
- File Locksmith
- 主机文件编辑器
- 图像大小调整器
- https://www.xnview.com/en/xnresize/
- http://tintguide.com/imageresize.html
- https://www.iresizer.com/
- http://www.faststone.org/FSResizerDetail.htm
- http://www.rw-designer.com/picture-resize
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/flexxi-image-resizer/
- https://www.glorylogic.com/image-tuner.html
- https://assetizr.com/
- https://www.binarymark.com/products/batch-image-resizer
- https://icecreamapps.com/Image-Resizer/
- https://www.softwareok.com/?seite=Freeware/PhotoResizerOK
- https://freepicturesolutions.com/free-image-resizer.html
- https://freepicturesolutions.com/free-photo-resizer.html
- https://freepicturesolutions.com/free-picture-resizer.html
- https://www.securedyou.com/image-resizer/
- https://www.obviousidea.com/windows-software/light-image-resizer/
- https://www.reasyze.com/batch-image-resize/
- https://bluefive.pairsite.com/pixresizer.htm
- http://www.rw-designer.com/picture-resize
- https://www.fotosizer.com/
- https://www.highmotionsoftware.com/products/imbatch
- https://vovsoft.com/software/batch-image-resizer/
- https://mstechglobal.com/mg-image-resize/
- https://www.den4b.com/products/resizer
- https://zpired.com/app/easy-image-modifier
- https://icecreamapps.com/Image-Resizer/
- https://zhs.moo0.com/software/ImageSizer/
- https://www.4dots-software.com/photo-resizer-expert/
- https://www.tweaking.in/image-resizer/
- https://github.com/SalOne22/rimage
- https://www.obviousidea.com/windows-software/light-image-resizer/
- 键盘管理器
- 鼠标实用程序
- 无边框鼠标
粘贴为纯文本- 新建+
- 速览
- PowerRename
- PowerToys Run
- Quick Accent
- WinKey + . 快捷键
- https://babelstone.co.uk/Software/BabelMap.html
- http://www.ergonis.com/products/popcharwin/
- https://antibody-software.com/wizkey/
- https://www.holdkey.eu/
- http://wincompose.info/
- http://www.deeproot.co.uk/extrakeys.html
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/uosk/
- https://leun4m.github.io/symbsearch/
- https://github.com/mjvh80/SymWin
- 注册表预览版
- 快捷键指南
- 屏幕标尺
- https://www.arulerforwindows.com/
- http://rulerforwindows.com/
- http://screenruler.sourceforge.net/
- https://github.com/cthing/meazure
- https://www.pixelruler.de/e/index.htm
- http://www.spadixbd.com/freetools/jruler.htm
- http://www.pegtop.net/pmeter/
- https://aarebrot.net/blog/measure-schmeasure/
- https://www.hexagora.com/en_dw_winruler.asp
- 文本提取器
- 工作区
- ZoomIt