有好看 mpv 关联图标方案吗?



@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
path %SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\

:: Unattended install flag. When set, the script will not require user input.
set unattended=no
if "%1"=="/u" set unattended=yes

:: Make sure this is Windows Vista or later
call :ensure_vista

:: Make sure the script is running as admin
call :ensure_admin

:: Command line arguments to use when launching mpv from a file association
set mpv_args=

:: Get mpv.exe location
cd /D %~dp0\..
set mpv_path=%cd%\mpv.exe
if not exist "%mpv_path%" call :die "mpv.exe not found"

:: Get mpv-icon.ico location
set icon_path=%~dp0Icons.dll
if not exist "%icon_path%" call :die "mpv-icon.ico not found"

:: Register mpv.exe under the "App Paths" key, so it can be found by
:: ShellExecute, the run command, the start menu, etc.
set app_paths_key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\mpv.exe
call :reg add "%app_paths_key%" /d "%mpv_path%" /f
call :reg add "%app_paths_key%" /v "UseUrl" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

:: Register mpv.exe under the "Applications" key to add some default verbs for
:: when mpv is used from the "Open with" menu
set classes_root_key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes
set app_key=%classes_root_key%\Applications\mpv.exe
call :reg add "%app_key%" /v "FriendlyAppName" /d "mpv" /f
call :add_verbs "%app_key%"

:: Add mpv to the "Open with" list for all video and audio file types
call :reg add "%classes_root_key%\SystemFileAssociations\video\OpenWithList\mpv.exe" /d "" /f
call :reg add "%classes_root_key%\SystemFileAssociations\audio\OpenWithList\mpv.exe" /d "" /f

:: Add DVD AutoPlay handler
set autoplay_key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers
call :reg add "%classes_root_key%\io.mpv.dvd\shell\play" /d "&Play" /f
call :reg add "%classes_root_key%\io.mpv.dvd\shell\play\command" /d "\"%mpv_path%\" %mpv_args% dvd:// --dvd-device=\"%%%%L\"" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\Handlers\MpvPlayDVDMovieOnArrival" /v "Action" /d "Play DVD movie" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\Handlers\MpvPlayDVDMovieOnArrival" /v "DefaultIcon" /d "%mpv_path%,0" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\Handlers\MpvPlayDVDMovieOnArrival" /v "InvokeProgID" /d "io.mpv.dvd" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\Handlers\MpvPlayDVDMovieOnArrival" /v "InvokeVerb" /d "play" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\Handlers\MpvPlayDVDMovieOnArrival" /v "Provider" /d "mpv" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\EventHandlers\PlayDVDMovieOnArrival" /v "MpvPlayDVDMovieOnArrival" /f

:: Add Blu-ray AutoPlay handler
call :reg add "%classes_root_key%\io.mpv.bluray\shell\play" /d "&Play" /f
call :reg add "%classes_root_key%\io.mpv.bluray\shell\play\command" /d "\"%mpv_path%\" %mpv_args% bd:// --bluray-device=\"%%%%L\"" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\Handlers\MpvPlayBluRayOnArrival" /v "Action" /d "Play Blu-ray movie" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\Handlers\MpvPlayBluRayOnArrival" /v "DefaultIcon" /d "%mpv_path%,0" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\Handlers\MpvPlayBluRayOnArrival" /v "InvokeProgID" /d "io.mpv.bluray" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\Handlers\MpvPlayBluRayOnArrival" /v "InvokeVerb" /d "play" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\Handlers\MpvPlayBluRayOnArrival" /v "Provider" /d "mpv" /f
call :reg add "%autoplay_key%\EventHandlers\PlayBluRayOnArrival" /v "MpvPlayBluRayOnArrival" /f

:: Add a capabilities key for mpv, which is registered later on for use in the
:: "Default Programs" control panel
set capabilities_key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\mpv\Capabilities
call :reg add "%capabilities_key%" /v "ApplicationName" /d "mpv" /f
call :reg add "%capabilities_key%" /v "ApplicationDescription" /d "mpv media player" /f

:: Add file types
set supported_types_key=%app_key%\SupportedTypes
set file_associations_key=%capabilities_key%\FileAssociations
:: DVD/Blu-ray audio formats
call :add_type "audio/ac3"                        "62"  "audio" "AC-3 Audio"                 ".ac3" ".a52"
call :add_type "audio/eac3"                       "0"   "audio" "E-AC-3 Audio"               ".eac3"
call :add_type "audio/vnd.dolby.mlp"              "0"   "audio" "MLP Audio"                  ".mlp"
call :add_type "audio/vnd.dts"                    "67"  "audio" "DTS Audio"                  ".dts"
call :add_type "audio/vnd.dts.hd"                 "0"   "audio" "DTS-HD Audio"               ".dts-hd" ".dtshd"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "TrueHD Audio"               ".true-hd" ".thd" ".truehd" ".thd+ac3"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "True Audio"                 ".tta"
:: Uncompressed formats
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "PCM Audio"                  ".pcm"
call :add_type "audio/wav"                        "70"  "audio" "Wave Audio"                 ".wav"
call :add_type "audio/aiff"                       "0"   "audio" "AIFF Audio"                 ".aiff" ".aif" ".aifc"
call :add_type "audio/amr"                        "46"  "audio" "AMR Audio"                  ".amr"
call :add_type "audio/amr-wb"                     "0"   "audio" "AMR-WB Audio"               ".awb"
call :add_type "audio/basic"                      "0"   "audio" "AU Audio"                   ".au" ".snd"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "Linear PCM Audio"           ".lpcm"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "Raw YUV Video"              ".yuv"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "YUV4MPEG2 Video"            ".y4m"
:: Free lossless formats
call :add_type "audio/x-ape"                      "64"  "audio" "Monkey's Audio"             ".ape"
call :add_type "audio/x-wavpack"                  "0"   "audio" "WavPack Audio"              ".wv"
call :add_type "audio/x-shorten"                  "0"   "audio" "Shorten Audio"              ".shn"
:: MPEG formats
call :add_type "video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts"          "77"  "video" "MPEG-2 Transport Stream"    ".m2ts" ".m2t" ".mts" ".mtv" ".ts" ".tsv" ".tsa" ".tts" ".trp"
call :add_type "audio/vnd.dlna.adts"              "0"   "audio" "ADTS Audio"                 ".adts" ".adt"
call :add_type "audio/mpeg"                       "48"  "audio" "MPEG Audio"                 ".mpa" ".m1a" ".m2a" ".mp1" ".mp2"
call :add_type "audio/mpeg"                       "60"  "audio" "MP3 Audio"                  ".mp3"
call :add_type "video/mpeg"                       "13"  "video" "MPEG Video"                 ".mpeg" ".mpg" ".mpe" ".mpeg2" ".m1v" ".m2v" ".mp2v" ".mpv" ".mpv2" ".mod" ".tod"
call :add_type "video/dvd"                        "18"  "video" "Video Object"               ".vob" ".vro"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "Enhanced VOB"               ".evob" ".evo"
call :add_type "video/mp4"                        "25"  "video" "MPEG-4 Video"               ".mpeg4" ".m4v" ".mp4" ".mp4v" ".mpg4"
call :add_type "audio/mp4"                        "51"  "audio" "MPEG-4 Audio"               ".m4a"
call :add_type "audio/aac"                        "63"  "audio" "Raw AAC Audio"              ".aac"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "Raw H.264/AVC Video"        ".h264" ".avc" ".x264" ".264"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "Raw H.265/HEVC Video"       ".hevc" ".h265" ".x265" ".265"
:: Xiph formats
call :add_type "audio/flac"                       "68"  "audio" "FLAC Audio"                 ".flac"
call :add_type "audio/ogg"                        "61"  "audio" "Ogg Audio"                  ".oga" ".ogg"
call :add_type "audio/ogg"                        "0"   "audio" "Opus Audio"                 ".opus"
call :add_type "audio/ogg"                        "0"   "audio" "Speex Audio"                ".spx"
call :add_type "video/ogg"                        "19"  "video" "Ogg Video"                  ".ogv" ".ogm"
call :add_type "application/ogg"                  "0"   "video" "Ogg Video"                  ".ogx"
:: Matroska formats
call :add_type "video/x-matroska"                 "20"  "video" "Matroska Video"             ".mkv"
call :add_type "video/x-matroska"                 "0"   "video" "Matroska 3D Video"          ".mk3d"
call :add_type "audio/x-matroska"                 "69"  "audio" "Matroska Audio"             ".mka"
call :add_type "video/webm"                       "0"   "video" "WebM Video"                 ".webm"
call :add_type "audio/webm"                       "0"   "audio" "WebM Audio"                 ".weba"
:: Misc formats
call :add_type "video/avi"                        "1"   "video" "Video Clip"                 ".avi" ".vfw"
call :add_type ""                                 "2"   "video" "DivX Video"                 ".divx"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "3ivx Video"                 ".3iv"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "XVID Video"                 ".xvid"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "NUT Video"                  ".nut"
call :add_type "video/flc"                        "0"   "video" "FLIC Video"                 ".flic" ".fli" ".flc"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "Nullsoft Streaming Video"   ".nsv"
call :add_type "application/gxf"                  "0"   "video" "General Exchange Format"    ".gxf"
call :add_type "application/mxf"                  "0"   "video" "Material Exchange Format"   ".mxf"
:: Windows Media formats
call :add_type "audio/x-ms-wma"                   "47"  "audio" "Windows Media Audio"        ".wma"
call :add_type "video/x-ms-wm"                    "5"   "video" "Windows Media Video"        ".wm"
call :add_type "video/x-ms-wmv"                   "7"   "video" "Windows Media Video"        ".wmv"
call :add_type "video/x-ms-asf"                   "3"   "video" "Windows Media Video"        ".asf"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "Microsoft Recorded TV Show" ".dvr-ms" ".dvr"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "Windows Recorded TV Show"   ".wtv"
:: DV formats
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "video" "DV Video"                   ".dv" ".hdv"
:: Flash Video formats
call :add_type "video/x-flv"                      "32"  "video" "Flash Video"                ".flv"
call :add_type "video/mp4"                        "0"   "video" "Flash Video"                ".f4v"
call :add_type "audio/mp4"                        "0"   "audio" "Flash Audio"                ".f4a"
:: QuickTime formats
call :add_type "video/quicktime"                  "23"  "video" "QuickTime Video"            ".qt" ".mov"
call :add_type "video/quicktime"                  "23"  "video" "QuickTime HD Video"         ".hdmov"
:: Real Media formats
call :add_type "application/vnd.rn-realmedia"     "21"  "video" "Real Media Video"           ".rm"
call :add_type "application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr" "22"  "video" "Real Media Video"           ".rmvb"
call :add_type "audio/vnd.rn-realaudio"           "52"  "audio" "Real Media Audio"           ".ra" ".ram"
:: 3GPP formats
call :add_type "audio/3gpp"                       "0"   "audio" "3GPP Audio"                 ".3ga"
call :add_type "audio/3gpp2"                      "0"   "audio" "3GPP Audio"                 ".3ga2"
call :add_type "video/3gpp"                       "0"   "video" "3GPP Video"                 ".3gpp" ".3gp"
call :add_type "video/3gpp2"                      "42"  "video" "3GPP Video"                 ".3gp2" ".3g2"
:: Video game formats
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "AY Audio"                   ".ay"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "GBS Audio"                  ".gbs"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "GYM Audio"                  ".gym"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "HES Audio"                  ".hes"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "KSS Audio"                  ".kss"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "NSF Audio"                  ".nsf"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "NSFE Audio"                 ".nsfe"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "SAP Audio"                  ".sap"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "SPC Audio"                  ".spc"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "VGM Audio"                  ".vgm"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "VGZ Audio"                  ".vgz"
:: Playlist formats
call :add_type "audio/x-mpegurl"                  "53"  "audio" "M3U Playlist"               ".m3u" ".m3u8"
call :add_type "audio/x-scpls"                    "54"  "audio" "PLS Playlist"               ".pls"
call :add_type ""                                 "0"   "audio" "CUE Sheet"                  ".cue"

:: Register "Default Programs" entry
call :reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications" /v "mpv" /d "SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\mpv\Capabilities" /f

:: Add start menu link
powershell "$s=(New-Object -COM WScript.Shell).CreateShortcut('%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\mpv.lnk');$s.TargetPath='%mpv_path%';$s.Save()"

echo Installed successfully^^! You can now configure mpv's file associations in the
echo Default Programs control panel.
if [%unattended%] == [yes] exit 0
<nul set /p =Press any key to open the Default Programs control panel . . .
pause >nul
control /name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms
exit 0

	if not [%1] == [] echo %~1
	if [%unattended%] == [yes] exit 1
	exit 1

	:: 'openfiles' is just a commmand that is present on all supported Windows
	:: versions, requires admin privileges and has no side effects, see:
	:: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4051883/batch-script-how-to-check-for-admin-rights
	openfiles >nul 2>&1
	if errorlevel 1 (
		echo This batch script requires administrator privileges. Right-click on
		echo mpv-install.bat and select "Run as administrator".
		call :die
	goto :EOF

	ver | find "XP" >nul
	if not errorlevel 1 (
		echo This batch script only works on Windows Vista and later. To create file
		echo associations on Windows XP, right click on a video file and use "Open with...".
		call :die
	goto :EOF

	:: Wrap the reg command to check for errors
	>nul reg %*
	if errorlevel 1 set error=yes
	if [%error%] == [yes] echo Error in command: reg %*
	if [%error%] == [yes] call :die
	goto :EOF

	:: Set a value in the registry if it doesn't already exist
	set key=%~1
	set value=%~2
	set data=%~3

	reg query "%key%" /v "%value%" >nul 2>&1
	if errorlevel 1 call :reg add "%key%" /v "%value%" /d "%data%"
	goto :EOF

	set key=%~1

	:: Set the default verb to "play"
	call :reg add "%key%\shell" /d "play" /f

	:: Hide the "open" verb from the context menu, since it's the same as "play"
	call :reg add "%key%\shell\open" /v "LegacyDisable" /f

	:: Set open command
	call :reg add "%key%\shell\open\command" /d "\"%mpv_path%\" %mpv_args% -- \"%%%%L\"" /f

	:: Add "play" verb
	call :reg add "%key%\shell\play" /d "&Play" /f
	call :reg add "%key%\shell\play\command" /d "\"%mpv_path%\" %mpv_args% -- \"%%%%L\"" /f

	goto :EOF

	set prog_id=%~1
	set friendly_name=%~2
	set icon_key=%~3

	:: Add ProgId, edit flags are FTA_OpenIsSafe
	set prog_id_key=%classes_root_key%\%prog_id%
	call :reg add "%prog_id_key%" /d "%friendly_name%" /f
	call :reg add "%prog_id_key%" /v "EditFlags" /t REG_DWORD /d 65536 /f
	call :reg add "%prog_id_key%" /v "FriendlyTypeName" /d "%friendly_name%" /f
	call :reg add "%prog_id_key%\DefaultIcon" /d "%icon_key%" /f
	call :add_verbs "%prog_id_key%"

	goto :EOF

	set extension=%~1
	set prog_id=%~2
	set mime_type=%~3
	set perceived_type=%~4

	:: Add information about the file extension, if not already present
	set extension_key=%classes_root_key%\%extension%
	if not [%mime_type%] == [] call :reg_set_opt "%extension_key%" "Content Type" "%mime_type%"
	if not [%perceived_type%] == [] call :reg_set_opt "%extension_key%" "PerceivedType" "%perceived_type%"
	call :reg add "%extension_key%\OpenWithProgIds" /v "%prog_id%" /f

	:: Add type to SupportedTypes
	call :reg add "%supported_types_key%" /v "%extension%" /f

	:: Add type to the Default Programs control panel
	call :reg add "%file_associations_key%" /v "%extension%" /d "%prog_id%" /f

	goto :EOF

	set mime_type=%~1
	set icon_id=%~2
	set perceived_type=%~3
	set friendly_name=%~4
	set extension=%~5

	echo Adding "%extension%" file type

	:: Add ProgId
	set prog_id=io.mpv%extension%
	set icon_key=%icon_path%,%icon_id%
	call :add_progid "%prog_id%" "%friendly_name%" "%icon_key%"

	:: Add extensions
		call :update_extension "%extension%" "%prog_id%" "%mime_type%" "%perceived_type%"

		:: Trailing parameters are additional extensions
		shift /4
		set extension=%~4
		if not [%extension%] == [] goto extension_loop

	goto :EOF