洁癖患者专用扩展。如果经常做文字编辑工作,需要大量粘贴链接,这个扩展会把 URL 中,不相关的参数去掉,起到净化 URL 的作用。比如会把
对比同类扩展(例如Pure URL),和小书签(例如alay兄的)。这个扩展的特点(不是优点,只是特点,适不适合你,自行判断):
- 针对所有URL,不局限于知名电商。假如你想净化某个“小众罕见”网站的URL,小书签很难办到,这个可以帮你
- 可以自定义垃圾参数/规则。再强大的作者,不可能时刻更新,不可能囊括所有情况,遇到内置规则没过滤掉的,自己随手加规则。当然如果有误杀,你也可以去掉某规则,anyway,你有很大的控制权
- 自动生效,连小书签的手动点一下,都不再需要,更懒,更自动化
Neat URL cleans URLs, removing parameters such as Google Analytics’ utm parameters.
Ioquake3 Gets A Cross-Platform Auto-Updater - Phoronix
Ioquake3 Gets A Cross-Platform Auto-Updater - Phoronix
Custom rules can be added using the global format or the domain specific format (parameter@domain). A domain specific parameter would be, for example, [email protected].
Parameter rules
A parameter is something that starts with ?. You can add your own parameter in the options of Neat URL. The ? is ommitted in the options, so a ?ved parameter becomes “ved”. There are a few exceptions to this rule (see below)
Parameters can be global (for every domain):
Parameters can contain @ signs (domain-specific):
[email protected]
Parameters can contain @ signs with a wildcard so every subdomain will match too:
Parameters can contain @ signs with a wildcard at the end of a domain name (matches every domain name which begins with “google” and ends in an unknown suffix:
Parameters can also apply globally (first rule), except for a (wilcard) domain (second rule):
The excluded domain always takes precedence. Should you include “ref” and “!ref”, “!ref” will apply.
Other valid parameters (exceptions to the ? rule):
#xtor=RSS-8 (remove this parameter - be sure to include its value as well when you are using anchor tags)
#[email protected]
$/ref@amazon.* (remove everything after /ref on amazon domains - this will only apply when there are no query parameters left after removing the filtered query parameters)
$$/ref@amazon.* (remove everything after /ref on amazon domains - this will always apply, even when there are other query parameters after removing the filtered query parameters - this option is available because the user should be in control but beware that double dollar signs are dangerous, it might break the URL)
Invalid parameters:
param@.google. (too many wildcards)
!ved (this is some random string - not supported, but it might work)
/ref@amazon.*$ (dollar sign should be at the beginning)
Neat URL is based on Lean URL. Neat URL contains a few improvements:
- set your own URL parameters on the options page (to reach feature parity with Pure URL)
- fixed for recent Firefox versions
- a nice animation in the toolbar (can be changed or disabled)
- domain-specific blocked parameters (to reach feature parity with Pure URL)
- wildcard domain-specific blocked parameters
Bug reports and feature requests
You can open an issue on GitHub. Please include “Neat URL” in the title of the newly created issue: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub