在 Claunahk小工具——ahk用户的quicker平替,简单但不简陋 中,我介绍了通过claunch来进行快捷操作的可行性。
注意,需要用到v2版uia库,下载地址:GitHub - Descolada/UIA-v2: UIAutomation library for AHK v2, based on thqby's UIA library
#Requires AutoHotkey v2
#include <UIA>
#Warn All, Off
#SingleInstance force
; Select Screen Region with Mouse
LButton:: ;Mouse to select with Red
global titileH:=0
Area := SelectScreenRegion("LButton", "Red", 30)
WinGetPosEx(Area.id, &winX, &winY, &WinW, &winH, &Offset_X, &Offset_Y)
;msgbox " " Offset_X " " Offset_Y
;WinGetClientPos &winX, &winY, &WinW, &winH, "ahk_id " Area.id
El := UIA.ElementFromHandle("ahk_id " Area.id)
x:=loc.l, y:=loc.t, w:=(loc.r-loc.l), h:=(loc.b-loc.t)
tooltip h
Run '"G:\Program Files (x86)\OnTopReplica\OnTopReplica\OnTopReplica.exe" --windowId=' Area.id ' --size=' Area.W ',' Area.H ' --position=' Area.X-2 ',' Area.Y-2 ' --opacity=200 --chromeOff --region=' Area.X-winX-1 ',' Area.Y-winY-h-2 ',' Area.W+2 ',' Area.H+2
SelectScreenRegion(Key, Color := "Lime", Transparent:= 80)
CoordMode("Mouse", "screen")
MouseGetPos(&sX, &sY, &winid)
ssrGui := Gui("+AlwaysOnTop -caption +Border +ToolWindow +LastFound -DPIScale")
ssrGui.BackColor := Color
Sleep 10
MouseGetPos(&eX, &eY)
W := Abs(sX - eX), H := Abs(sY - eY)
X := Min(sX, eX), Y := Min(sY, eY)
ssrGui.Show("x" X " y" Y " w" W " h" H)
} Until !GetKeyState(Key, "p")
Return { X: X, Y: Y, W: W, H: H, X2: X + W, Y2: Y + H ,id: winid}
--windowId=HWND Window handle (HWND) to be cloned.
--windowTitle=TITLE Partial TITLE of the window to be cloned.
--windowClass=CLASS CLASS of the window to be cloned.
-v, --visible If set, only clones windows that are visible.
--size=WIDTH,HEIGHT Target WIDTH,HEIGHT of the cloned thumbnail, or
--width=VALUE Target WIDTH of cloned thumbnail, or
--height=VALUE Target HEIGHT of cloned thumbnail.
--position=X,Y Target X,Y of the OnTopReplica window.
Resolution independent window position on
current screen, with locking. Values:
-r, --region=X,Y,W,H Region X,Y,W,H of the cloned window.
Region padding LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM of the
-o, --opacity=0-255 Opacity of the window: 0-255.
--clickForwarding Enables click forwarding.
--clickThrough Enables click through.
--chromeOff Disables the window's chrome (border).
--fs, --fullscreen Starts up in fullscreen mode.
-h, --help, -? Show command line help.
; Function: WinGetPosEx
; Description:
; Gets the position, size, and offset of a window. See the *Remarks* section
; for more information.
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3392
; Parameters:
; hWindow - Handle to the window.
; X, Y, Width, Height - Output variables. [Optional] If defined, these
; variables contain the coordinates of the window relative to the
; upper-left corner of the screen (X and Y), and the Width and Height of
; the window.
; Offset_X, Offset_Y - Output variables. [Optional] Offset, in pixels, of the
; actual position of the window versus the position of the window as
; reported by GetWindowRect. If moving the window to specific
; coordinates, add these offset values to the appropriate coordinate
; (X and/or Y) to reflect the true size of the window.
; Returns:
; If successful, a RECTPlus buffer object is returned.
; The first 16 bytes contains a RECT structure that contains the dimensions of the
; bounding rectangle of the specified window.
; The dimensions are given in screen coordinates that are relative to the upper-left
; corner of the screen.
; The next 8 bytes contain the X and Y offsets (4-byte integer for X and
; 4-byte integer for Y).
; Also if successful (and if defined), the output variables (X, Y, Width,
; Height, Offset_X, and Offset_Y) are updated. See the *Parameters* section
; for more more information.
; If not successful, FALSE is returned.
; Requirement:
; Windows 2000+
; Remarks, Observations, and Changes:
; * Starting with Windows Vista, Microsoft includes the Desktop Window Manager
; (DWM) along with Aero-based themes that use DWM. Aero themes provide new
; features like a translucent glass design with subtle window animations.
; Unfortunately, the DWM doesn't always conform to the OS rules for size and
; positioning of windows. If using an Aero theme, many of the windows are
; actually larger than reported by Windows when using standard commands (Ex:
; WinGetPos, GetWindowRect, etc.) and because of that, are not positioned
; correctly when using standard commands (Ex: gui Show, WinMove, etc.). This
; function was created to 1) identify the true position and size of all
; windows regardless of the window attributes, desktop theme, or version of
; Windows and to 2) identify the appropriate offset that is needed to position
; the window if the window is a different size than reported.
; * The true size, position, and offset of a window cannot be determined until
; the window has been rendered. See the example script for an example of how
; to use this function to position a new window.
; * 20150906: The "dwmapi\DwmGetWindowAttribute" function can return odd errors
; if DWM is not enabled. One error I've discovered is a return code of
; 0x80070006 with a last error code of 6, i.e. ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE or "The
; handle is invalid." To keep the function operational during this types of
; conditions, the function has been modified to assume that all unexpected
; return codes mean that DWM is not available and continue to process without
; it. When DWM is a possibility (i.e. Vista+), a developer-friendly messsage
; will be dumped to the debugger when these errors occur.
; Credit:
; Idea and some code from *KaFu* (AutoIt forum)
WinGetPosEx(hWindow, &X := "", &Y := "", &Width := "", &Height := "", &Offset_X := "", &Offset_Y := "") {
Static S_OK := 0x0,
;-- Get the window's dimensions
; Note: Only the first 16 bytes of the RECTPlus structure are used by the
; DwmGetWindowAttribute and GetWindowRect functions.
RECTPlus := Buffer(24,0)
Try {
DWMRC := DllCall("dwmapi\DwmGetWindowAttribute",
"Ptr", hWindow, ;-- hwnd
"Ptr", RECTPlus, ;-- pvAttribute
"UInt", 16, ;-- cbAttribute
Catch {
Return False
;-- Populate the output variables
X := NumGet(RECTPlus, 0, "Int") ; left
Y := NumGet(RECTPlus, 4, "Int") ; top
R := NumGet(RECTPlus, 8, "Int") ; right
B := NumGet(RECTPlus, 12, "Int") ; bottom
Width := R - X ; right - left
Height := B - Y ; bottom - top
OffSet_X := 0
OffSet_Y := 0
;-- Collect dimensions via GetWindowRect
RECT := Buffer(16, 0)
DllCall("GetWindowRect", "Ptr", hWindow,"Ptr", RECT)
;-- Right minus Left
GWR_Width := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int") - NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int")
;-- Bottom minus Top
GWR_Height:= NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int") - NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")
;-- Calculate offsets and update output variables
NumPut("Int", Offset_X := (Width - GWR_Width) // 2, RECTPlus, 16)
NumPut("Int", Offset_Y := (Height - GWR_Height) // 2, RECTPlus, 20)
Return RECTPlus
OnTopReplica 是个 DWM 缩略图工具,用 AutoHotkey 实现也用不了百行
ontopclip可以进一步设置点击转移 点击穿透 保存选区等 比较方便
Run %ComSpec% /c ""C:\miniapp\SpaceSniffer.exe" scan " %activedir%,,Hide
if !(window := Explorer_GetWindow(hwnd))
return ErrorLevel := "ERROR"
if (window="desktop")
return A_Desktop
path := window.LocationURL
path := RegExReplace(path, "ftp://.*@","ftp://")
path := RegExReplace(path, "%20"," ") ;替换空格,否则显示%20
StringReplace, path, path, file:///
StringReplace, path, path, /, \, All
; thanks to polyethene
If RegExMatch(path, "i)(?<=%)[da-f]{1,2}", hex)
StringReplace, path, path, `%%hex%, % Chr("0x" . hex), All
Else Break
return path
return Explorer_Get(hwnd)
return Explorer_Get(hwnd,true)
; thanks to jethrow for some pointers here
WinGet, process, processName, % "ahk_id" hwnd := hwnd? hwnd:WinExist("A")
WinGetClass class, ahk_id %hwnd%
if (process!="explorer.exe")
if (class ~= "(Cabinet|Explore)WClass")
for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
if (window.hwnd==hwnd)
return window
else if (class ~= "Progman|WorkerW")
return "desktop" ; desktop found
if !(window := Explorer_GetWindow(hwnd))
return ErrorLevel := "ERROR"
if (window="desktop")
ControlGet, hwWindow, HWND,, SysListView321, ahk_class Progman
if !hwWindow ; #D mode
ControlGet, hwWindow, HWND,, SysListView321, A
ControlGet, files, List, % ( selection ? "Selected":"") "Col1",,ahk_id %hwWindow%
base := SubStr(A_Desktop,0,1)=="" ? SubStr(A_Desktop,1,-1) : A_Desktop
Loop, Parse, files, `n, `r
path := base "" A_LoopField
IfExist %path% ; ignore special icons like Computer (at least for now)
ret .= path "`n"
if selection
collection := window.document.SelectedItems
collection := window.document.Folder.Items
for item in collection
ret .= item.path "`n"
return Trim(ret,"`n")
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
global allcopyed
SplitPath activedir , , &activedirpapa
SplitPath activedirpapa , , &activediryaya
sendinput "^c"
ClipSaved := ClipboardAll()
A_Clipboard := ClipSaved
ClipSaved := ""
;msgbox(allcopyed activedir activedirpapa activediryaya)
global WinID := WinExist("A")
ContextMenu := Menu()
ContextMenu.Add(activediryaya, MenuHandler) ;如要添加自定义路径,可复制本行和下一行,只修改其中路径即可
ContextMenu.SetIcon(activediryaya, "shell32.dll", 147)
ContextMenu.Add(activedirpapa, MenuHandler) ;如要添加自定义路径,可复制本行和下一行,只修改其中路径即可
ContextMenu.SetIcon(activedirpapa, "shell32.dll", 147)
For openedwindows in ComObject("shell.Application").windows
This := openedwindows.Document.Folder.Self.Path
ContextMenu.Add(This, MenuHandler)
ContextMenu.SetIcon(This, "shell32.dll", 5)
openedwindows := "" ;清空变量
;---------------Total Commander-------------------
if WinExist("ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD")
TCPath := WinGetProcessPath("ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD")
cm_CopySrcPathToClip := 2029 ;Total Commander 内部代码
cm_CopyTrgPathToClip := 2030
ClipSaved := ClipboardAll()
A_Clipboard := ""
SendMessage(1075, cm_CopySrcPathToClip, 0, , "ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD")
ContextMenu.Add(A_Clipboard, MenuHandler)
ContextMenu.SetIcon(A_Clipboard, TCPath, 1)
SendMessage(1075, cm_CopyTrgPathToClip, 0, , "ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD")
ContextMenu.Add(A_Clipboard, MenuHandler)
ContextMenu.SetIcon(A_Clipboard, TCPath, 1)
A_Clipboard := ClipSaved
ClipSaved := ""
ContextMenu.Add("常用路径", MenuHandler)
ContextMenu.Add("C:\miniapp", MenuHandler) ;如要添加自定义路径,可复制本行和下一行,只修改其中路径即可
ContextMenu.SetIcon("C:\miniapp", "shell32.dll", 44)
ContextMenu.Add("G:\代码库\自写软件\clauch增强\ahks", MenuHandler)
ContextMenu.SetIcon("G:\代码库\自写软件\clauch增强\ahks", "shell32.dll", 44)
;ContextMenu.Add("%UserProfile%\", MenuHandler) ;用户文件夹
;ContextMenu.SetIcon("%UserProfile%\", "shell32.dll", 44)
#HotIf ;关闭上下文相关性
MenuHandler(ItemName, ItemPos, MyMenu)
global allcopyed
WinActivate "ahk_id" WinID
if allcopyed
Loop parse, allcopyed, "`n", "`r"
;msgbox A_LoopField
if ! DirExist(A_LoopField)
FileMove A_LoopField, ItemName , 0
SplitPath A_LoopField , &OutFileName
DirMove A_LoopField, ItemName "\" OutFileName, 0
if errorfind
msgbox errorfind "个文件未成功移动,大概是因为有重复文件"
if ControlGetEnabled("ToolbarWindow323", WinID) = 1 or ControlGetEnabled("ToolWindow324", WinID) = 1
Send "!d"
Sleep 100 ;等待获取焦点,如果设为 50 ,在 chrome 中另存为会出现焦点错误
addressbar := ControlGetFocus("A") ; 按下 alt+D 之后的焦点为地址栏
ControlSetText(ItemName, addressbar, "A")
ControlSend("{Enter}", addressbar, "A")
ControlFocus("Edit1", "A") ;焦点移回到 Edit1
catch TargetError
FolderPath := ItemName
OldText := ControlGetText("Edit1", "A") ;读取当前 Edit1 控件中的文件名
ControlFocus "Edit1", "A"
Loop 5
ControlSetText FolderPath, "Edit1", "ahk_id" WinID
CurControlText := ControlGetText("Edit1", "ahk_id" WinID)
if (CurControlText = FolderPath)
Sleep 50
ControlSend "{Enter}", "Edit1", "A"
Sleep 50
If !OldText ;插入原始文件名
Loop 5
ControlSetText OldText, "Edit1", "A"
Sleep 50
CurControlText := ControlGetText("Edit1", "A")
if (CurControlText = OldText)
Explorer_GetPath() {
winClass := WinGetClass(hWnd := WinExist("A"))
if !(winClass ~= "(Cabinet|Explore)WClass")
for window in ComObject("Shell.Application").Windows
if (hWnd = window.hWnd)
return window.Document.Folder.Self.Path
V1 V2 夹着用。
这个文件移动专家思路很好!就是右键菜单不太适合键盘党,能不能转成增量搜索(incremental search)的列表呢。
既然支持 Total Commander 已打开列表的展示,但却不支持在 Total Commander 中调用,这就有点尴尬了。
我不认为会有人开着 Total Commander,但却用默认的资源管理器去管理文件。
微改的这个,其实我不用total commandar
去掉上层目录的代码部分,就可以用了,但在 Total Commander 中,食之无味,弃之可惜。
ahk tools 我也有一个可以分享 自用的
这个帖子要是可以像小青蛙那样弄楼中楼评论就好了,, 现在插楼会打断楼主分享
还挺支持的,AHK 一直很方便~